Save the Date: St. Francis Dinner
Oct. 6, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
Elmcrest Banquets in Elmwood Park.
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Join us for the Diaconate Council’s annual St. Francis Day Dinner at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 6, at Elmcrest Banquets, 7370 W. Grand Avenue, Elmwood Park, IL.
The funds we raise provide much-needed resources to the following charities: Kolbe House, Zacchaeus House, Hope’s on the Way, NPH USA, Faith & Fellowship, Kateri Center and educational grants to deacons and wives.
There are several ways you can support the St. Francis Dinner:
Encourage your pastor and parish to buy a table(s) for the dinner.
Encourage your pastor and parish to make a donation to the Diaconate Council.
You can buy a table or tickets for the dinner and invite members of your ordination class to join you.
If you are unable to join us in person, make a donation to help our charities. We rely on the generosity of our deacons and wives.
Payments can be made by check or donating online with Give Central here.
Tickets are $70 until September 3
$80 starting September 4
World-wide deacon pilgrimage to Italy
The Vatican is welcoming deacons to Rome for a world-wide gathering late February 2025. The Diaconate Office is organizing a pilgrimage to Italy from February 19- February 25, 2025. Part of the trip will allow pilgrims to attend the Vatican events. Additionally, we will be visiting other sites in Rome and Assisi.
The pilgrimage is open to deacons, wives, family, friends, parishioners who want to see Rome with daily Mass, prayer and visits to the holy sites. Our spiritual director will be Fr. Donald Siple. OSM.
Package price per person in a shared room: $3,450. For single-room supplement, add $645 (limited rooms available) (For credit card payment - add 3.20%). For more information, call (773) 777-4900.