Prayer Requests for the Sick
The Diaconate Council receives memorial gifts to commit to our prayers the intentions of those who ask. We are men and women of prayer. We have staked our lives on it. We therefore must be ever mindful of those who have asked for our prayers and for whom we have agreed to pray.
Pray for all of our beloved dead, including and all those listed in the Diaconate's Book of Memorials.
Please also pray for those in our community who are sick, alienated, hurting, addicted, unemployed or struggling in the multitude of ways we are challenged. And for all others suffering in our community or known to those of our community, let us pray to the Lord. In viewing the attachment, note that the order of names on the list indicates how long we've been praying for the many different folks.
The names lowest on the list have been there since 2013. Remember, in a particular way, all of our sick:
- Pamela Dahl
- Anamarie Arndt
- Donna Barnish
- Deacon Ron Stricker
- Rebecca Merced
- Deacon Robert Boharic
- Nathan Rohde
- Austin Peters
- Deacon Rod Reyes
- Peggy Kocar
- Mary Wehling
- Emilia Perez
- Lee Peters
- Deacon Thomas Corcoran
- Deacon Mike Ruffner
- Deacon Frank Girjatowicz
- Deacon George Brooks
- Deacon John Connor
- Lillie Connor
- Deacon Dave Kalina
- Deacon Casimir Fronczek
- Alicia Silva
- Lynne Fejdasz
- Deacon Richard Pizzato
- Anthony Fernando
- Monika Ulrich
- Deacon Norbert Ciesel
- Jane Motycka
- Amanda Labelle
- Beverly Nylen
- Terry Coffey
- Dionicia Robles
- Felipa Alvarez
- Rosemary Schiltz
- Deacon Gary Kupsak
- Deacon James Wogan
- Deacon Guido Pozo
- Lucia Ruiz
- Cornelius Johnson
- Deacon Juan Garza
- Norma Manzano Magat
- Deacon Bill Krueger
- Pola Damian
- Alicia Varela
- Eufracia Rodriguez
- Mary Kay Anderberg
- Deacon Ron Weiner
- Robert Houren
- Nathan Kucera
- Steven Birkenmeyer
- Helen Brauch
- Olivia Kupsak
- All their caretakers, that the health of the sick might be restored fully.